DIY Holiday Gifts For Kids: Reindeer Treat & Stocking

DIY Holiday Gifts For Kids - The Hostess Notes

I’m excited to share we have a guest post on the blog today from one of the most creative people I know – my sister! Without further ado, meet Angelika:

DIY Holiday Gifts For Kids - The Hostess Notes

Hi! I’m Angelika. Mother to a beautiful/crazy/loving one-and-a-half-year-old, Beverly! Being a mom and working full time is not an easy task to say the least. One of my favorite things as a parent is that I get to flex my creative muscles and not only come up with new and fun ways to entertain Bev, but also find fun ways to thank her classmates, teachers and caregivers for taking care of my girl.

As you’ll see, I’m a DIY’er and that’s largely in part because I love to personalize my gifts and tailor them to my recipients. It makes people feel special and shows that you took a few moments out of your day to focus on them, which is the least I can do to show my appreciation 😁

DIY Holiday Gifts For Kids - The Hostess Notes

All that said, I needed to come up with some good ideas for DIY holiday gifts for the kids in Beverly’s class. We ended up gifting her classmates a stocking filled with some fun goodies and an easy-to-make reindeer Rice Krispies treat! These treats are so easy and affordable – almost everything was bought at the dollar section at Target. If you’re having kids over for holiday dinner, this is a great quick treat to leave on their place setting to keep them entertained and smiling on Christmas Day!

What do you typically gift your children’s teachers and classmates?

Enjoy & Happy Holidays!



Rice Krispies Reindeer Treat Materials:
DIY Holiday Gifts For Kids - The Hostess Notes
Stocking Materials:
DIY Holiday Gifts For Kids - The Hostess Notes
  • Stocking
  • Coloring Book
  • Crayons
  • Ribbon
  • Stickers
  • Ornament

Carefully push the popsicle sticks into the Rice Krispies treats.

Melt chocolate melts according to package instructions. Spoon chocolate into a Ziploc bag.

Cut a small hole on the edge of the bag and draw two antlers on the upper sides of the treat.

Place a small dot of chocolate in the center (for the nose) and adhere the red M&M.

For the eyes, push the white chocolate chip in (pointy end down) and place a small dot of melted chocolate on the white chip. Set aside and let dry.

Package the reindeer Rice Kripsies treats into a sandwich bag and tie with ribbon to secure.

Add in with the rest of the stocking stuffers or gift alone!

DIY Holiday Gifts For Kids - The Hostess Notes
DIY Holiday Gifts For Kids - The Hostess Notes


  1. Erika
    December 20, 2018 / 8:04 pm

    So cute!!

  2. Gabby
    December 21, 2018 / 12:46 am

    I’m in love! Incredible!!

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